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Legal Directory

Bay Area Legal Aid (San Rafael Office)

  • Location:
    30 North San Pedro Road
    San Rafael, CA 94903
  • Phone:
    (415) 354-6360
  • Toll-free:
    (800) 551-5554
  • Contact methods:
    Phone calls, If you are a survivor of domestic violence or sexual assault, you will need to be referred to our dedicated line by your local Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault agency, police department or court.
  • Appointments accepted:

BayLegal is the largest provider of free civil legal services to low-income individuals in the San Francisco Bay Area. We provide comprehensive legal services to immigrant survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking in collaboration with community partners to ensure the safety and wellbeing for our clients and their children.

Counties served: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara

Services Provided

Are immigration legal services provided? Yes
Areas of immigration legal assistance: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, T visas, U visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions
Types of immigration legal services provided: Help completing forms, Filings with USCIS, Representation before the Immigration Court
Other areas of legal assistance: Consumer, Debt/Credit/Bankruptcy, Disability, Disaster and Crisis Assistance, Family & Juvenile, Foreclosure, Health, Housing, Public Benefits
Populations served: Domestic Violence Victims, Human Trafficking Survivors, Individuals with physical/mental disabilities, Juveniles, Lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender
Languages spoken: Cantonese Chinese, English, Hindi, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese
Access to a commercial interpreting service or language bank: Yes
Nominal fee charged? No

Staffing Information

Number of attorneys on staff: 2
Is organization BIA recognized? No
Number of fully accredited BIA representatives on staff: 0
Number of partially accredited BIA representatives on staff: 0
Number of paralegals/legal workers on staff: 0

Additional Details

Pro Bono opportunities? Yes

Administrative Information

Contact Person:
Lisa Newstrom
(408) 283-3700
Last contact date: November 21, 2017
Administrator comments: Created 2/7/17 11/21/17: tickler 26 Oct 2021: tickler 28 Oct 2021: updated from tickler responses
IAN Members? No
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