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Georgia Innocence Project

GIP is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping individuals who have been convicted of crimes they did not commit. The Project works to secure post-conviction DNA testing for Georgia inmates where DNA analysis could prove guilt or innocence and adequate DNA testing was not available at trial.

The Georgia Innocence Project needs volunteer lawyers to represent our clients.

These attorneys will work directly with the Project and our interns to investigate, prepare and argue cases, most of which involve DNA testing.

The cases on which we work have gone through a screening process, and only those cases that meet our criteria will be pursued. After the initial review, a detailed questionnaire is sent to the inmate. The information we receive is reviewed by the staff and interns and is forwarded to our Legal Advisory Committee. That committee makes a determination which cases we will pursue to the representation stage. The case is then assigned to a team of interns and volunteer lawyers. We will make every effort to assign a volunteer lawyer in the same county where the client was convicted.

Responsibilities of the Volunteer Lawyer:

* Meet with the staff of the Georgia Innocence Project to discuss the case.
* Review file.
* Plan the investigation and preparation of the case.
* Meet with the interns regularly either in person, by phone or by e-mail to discuss progress.
* Act as local counsel to gather documents and locate evidence as needed.
* Provide assistance to interns gathering evidence.
* Brainstorm issues and investigation techniques with interns.
* Work with interns to prepare motions.
* Supervise the interns in preparing the case for hearing.
* Represent client at hearing.
* Continue to represent client after testing.
* Be local contact for press.

If you are willing to act as the volunteer lawyer on a case for the Georgia Innocence Project, please let us know. Please include your contact information and the counties where you practice.

  • State(s) of Volunteer Opportunity: Georgia
  • Area of law: Criminal Appeals, Death Penalty
  • Populations Served: Elderly, Prison/Jail
  • Opportunities For: Law Students, Lawyers
  • Hours for Pro Bono Opportunities: Flexible
  • Malpractice insurance is provided for volunteers: No
  • Training Provided: Yes
  • Training Required: No
  • CLE credit for trainings: No
  • CLE credit for pro bono: No
  • Mentoring or supervision offered: Yes
  • Volunteer lawyers need to meet a caseload or hours requirement: No
  • Types of projects in need of Pro Bono help: Client counseling (e.g., brief advice), Client intake and screening, Draft legal documents (e.g., briefs), Legal Research, Litigation: Appellate, Litigation: Impact, Litigation: Support (e.g., discovery), Litigation: Trial/Direct Representation, Mentor volunteer lawyers or law students, Prepare legal education materials
  • Volunteers may participate long-distance: No
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